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It is made to the attention of the authorized persons who will contact for copyrights, in accordance with the WEB TV conditions regarding free terrestrial and satellite broadcasting channels in line with the information on the site. The broadcasts are broadcast directly from without being registered and without any changes according to FTA (Free To Air), Europe Broadcast Union.

You can send your requests to [email protected] was established to gather TV channels broadcasting from their official sites using embed technology. You can notify us by contacting this section about the publication that you request us to remove. It will be evaluated as soon as possible and necessary action will be taken. is not responsible for the TV broadcast content on the site and the broadcast rights belong to their owners.

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Live TV has become a frequently sought and demanded form of television in recent years. As, we meet this demand and offer this guide to internet users. At the same time, thanks to this service, our users can follow these programs without the need for a youtube login.